The GSVitec GS8 is a high powered, flicker free pulsed light fixture that is a perfect compliment to high speed cameras for microscope applications. The GSVitec G-S8 is equipped with 8 high power LED heads producing 120 million lux focus point.
Depending on camera sesitivity and exposure, high speed cameras can capture below 1 microsecond exposure.
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GSVitec has been developing and selling high-speed and machine vision camera solutions for all industrial, research and military applications for over 20 years. Their complementary products and system solutions for high-speed camera applications have been used by customers in over 50 countries worldwide for many years. High-speed digital imaging requires extremely bright light levels for nanosecond shutter speeds for crisp and clear images. A suitable solution did not exist, GSVitec developed it.
MultiLED products cover all applications of high speed cameras and many applications in the machine vision market. Some models cover sub microsecond exposure time, monochromatic light or give you enough light to fully close aperture at microseconds of exposure time. Designed from a decade of experience with thousands of customer projects in mind, MultiLed products offer ultra strong lighting at an affordable price.
Custom lighting devices are in their DNA. From quantity 1 to several thousand units, GS Vitec offers the most advanced and powerful lighting for camera applications in machine vision and highspeed photography.