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Photron | FASTCAM MINI AX100 High Speed Camera

photron_fastcam_mini_ax100_high_speed_cameraPhotron FASTCAM AX100
The Photron FASTCAM Mini AX100 high-speed cameras provide high frame rates, extraordinary light sensitivity and superior image quality in a compact, lightweight and rugged camera design. Providing 1,024 x 1,024 pixel resolution at up to 4,000 frames per second (fps) and reduced resolutions to 540,00 ...Read more
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The Photron FASTCAM Mini AX100 high-speed cameras provide high frame rates, extraordinary light sensitivity and superior image quality in a compact, lightweight and rugged camera design. Providing 1,024 x 1,024 pixel resolution at up to 4,000 frames per second (fps) and reduced resolutions to 540,000 fps, the Mini AX100 high speed camera delivers the performance required for demanding industrial, military and laboratory applications.

Contained within a 120mm x 120mm x 94mm (4.7" X 4.7" X 3.7") camera body weighing just 1.6kg (3.5lbs), the FASTCAM Mini AX is uniquely suited for use in a wide range of scientific and industrial applications.

The FASTCAM Mini AX 100 provides high light sensitivity, 12-bit ADC, outstanding image quality and color fidelity, and is available with memory options up to 32GB for extended recording times and triggering flexibility.

The FASTCAM Mini AX100 high speed camera provides 4,000 fps at full resolution. Higher light sensitivity means that less additional lighting is required to capture a high-speed event. It also means that faster frame rates, shorter shutter speeds and greater depths of field are provided under equivalent lighting conditions.

Target applications include:

  • Offboard automotive safety testing
  • Biomechanics
  • Life sciences
  • Defence and aerospace research
  • Material sciences
  • Fluid dynamics / PIV
1024x1024 @ 4,000fps
  • 4,000 fps at 1,024 x 1,024 pixel resolution
  • 6,000 fps at 1,024 x 736 pixel resolution
  • 10,000 fps at 768 x 528 pixel resolution
  • 20,000 fps at 384 x 384 pixel resolution
  • 76,500 fps at 128 x 128 pixel resolution
  • Self-contained, compact and lightweight camera makes positioning your camera easy regardless of where you need it.
  • Available with three on board memory options (8GB, 16GB, 32GB)
  • Fast acting image trigger allows automated camera trigger operation
Toggle Fan On/Off
Gigabit Ethernet
32GB: 21,841 frames at full resolution
Global Electronic Shutter
20μm x 20μm

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Understanding the Main Features of Cavitar’s CAVILUX Smart and CAVILUX HF

Wavelength 640 nm or 810 nm 810 nm
Fiber core diameter 5 mm or 3 mm 1.5 mm
Minimum pulse duration with peak power reaching the specific pulse power 30 ns 100 ns
Minimum pulse duration with lower power than peak power 10 ns 50 ns
Max. duty cycle (High speed mode) 0.1 % 2 %
Max. repetition rate (30 ns pulses) 33 kHz -
Max. repetition rate (100 ns pulses) 10 kHz 200 kHz
Max. repetition rate (1 µs pulses) 1 kHz 20 kHz

* with peak power reaching the specified pulse power


If visible light is necessary, then CAVILUX Smart 640 nm is the standard product (not taking into account possible customized solutions). The CAVILUX HF is equipped with a visible laser pointer beam (green light). Color cameras typically have an IR cut filter in front of the sensor which blocks 810 nm. Some cameras allow the removal of that filter and in this case CAVILUX 640 nm and 810 nm can be used.

Fiber core diameter

CAVILUX Smart has a fiber core diameter of either 5 mm (400 W @ 640 nm) or 3 mm (500 W @ 810 nm, 200 W @ 640 nm), whereas CAVILUX HF has a fiber core diameter of 1.5 mm. This means that CAVILUX HF has 4-11 times higher brightness than CAVILUX Smart. Higher brightness enables the illumination of a smaller area from a certain distance or, alternatively, the illumination of a certain area from a greater distance. CAVILUX Smart 200 W provides a higher brightness than CAVILUX Smart 400 W if the illuminated area is smaller than 3 mm.

Minimum pulse duration

The minimum pulse duration for CAVILUX Smart enabling full output power is ~30 ns. CAVILUX Smart can create pulse durations up to 10 ns but then the output power is lower. The minimum pulse duration for CAVILUX HF at full power is ~100 ns and 50 ns at lower output power. A very short pulse may be needed for removing motion blur when a small and fast-moving object is studied at high magnification. CAVILUX Smart has shorter rise and fall times than CAVILUX HF. Therefore, Smart can generate extremely short pulses (below 100 ns) more accurately than CAVILUX HF.